I work on the Office Services team at Lument’s New York office. It’s our responsibility to ensure that everyone’s work lives run smoothly—whether we’re setting up a new office space, helping with moves and transitions, or making sure our pantry is well stocked. We are also in charge of mail, shipping, and printing. While our work may not always be glamorous, I enjoy it a lot, and it plays an essential role in making everyone’s job a little easier.

I’ve worked at Lument and its predecessor companies for more than ten years. My journey here began over twenty years ago when I emigrated to the U.S. from Dominica, an island in the Caribbean, in 2000. I found a job at Lument legacy company Centerline in 2011 through an agency. When Hunt acquired Centerline, they hired us full time, and I’ve been here ever since.

Our work has remained consistent even throughout the pandemic—especially when we moved from the 23rd floor to the 20th floor at 230 Park Avenue. We came into the office about once a week to make sure the move went well and that the space was ready for everyone’s eventual return. I’m happy with the way things turned out; everything looks great and is running smoothly so far since we began our full hybrid work schedule.

The Office Services team is given a fair amount of leeway when it comes to how we do our jobs. If we see a better way of doing things, we are encouraged to go for it. It’s satisfying to take charge of a project and make sure everything is done to a high standard.

For instance, I’m responsible for stocking the pantry, and I make sure that when someone comes to look for something, it’s there. I don’t even like to run out of forks! And of course, there always has to be coffee.

But more than anything else, it’s the people that make working at Lument so great. It’s no secret at the New York office that I had a heart transplant four years ago, and it means a great deal that no one ever treats me differently because of it.

These days I can pretty much do everything anyone else can do. Before the pandemic, I regularly went to the gym or walked eight miles every morning—and while I’m not walking as much as I used to yet, I’m looking forward to getting back to it.